There has been alot that has gone on the last couple of months. I don't usually talk much about anything except my issues with boys but today I am feeling a little bit different.
I have come to the conclusion...therefore I will confess that life is very interesting and with that comes change and sometimes heartache and hard times. All of which I am experiencing right now.
Oh... the joys of my "single" life. You know... I am pretty content in life expect for when things get turned upside down.
One of the BIG changes has been my job. I got a Promotion about a month and a half a fairly new thing. It is a BIG deal but yet no one gets how hard the transition has been. I have had to be very careful what I say and do. I have had to keep things confident and not say anything. All of which as not hard BUT it is hard when others feel that things should be how they have always been. Things change when you become the manager. You are responsible for more and take on alot more. Relationships have been rough. It will get better but sometimes things change. But it is ONLY work. Needless to say it has been hard. I have lost sleep over it.
That leaves the hard times. I have been in a big slump. I went from being "kind of a big deal" to...."people could really give a hoot about me". (Yes..this is my pity party for a second) I don't think anyone understands what it is like to be a SINGLE member in a church that focus so much on family. You are left out. No one wants to talk to you. No one even wants to say Hi to you. I am in a great ward BUT...they all talk about being friendly and saying hi to each when I do this I am SUNNED. They will look right at me...I say HI and NOTHING. Am I repulsive or what??? It is just HI!!!! I have gotten to the point that I have followed in their ways and do the same. THAT IS BAD! I am not like that. I am social and very friendly. I have a ridiculous calling...which ADDS to my frustration as well. The SINGLE ADULT REP . needed to be taken Funny thing.... I have not been given any instruction on it at all and it has been 2 months. Can't a single girl serve??? GEE! I am trying not to be frustrated but no one knows where I have came from. I have been INACTIVE for so long and living a LIFESTYLE that was not healthy and that did not allow the spirit in my life. I made a HUGE change. I was doing fantastic but I need to be needed just like the married people do. I know if I had a husband and kids EVERYTHING would be different. Well... here is my declaration...I am SINGLE!!!! Get over it. I am sorry that I am not single and frumpy. Maybe that would be better for me as well. Now I am just rambling. I am annoyed, frustrated and tired. Not a good combo.
I am being honest here peeps. Take it for what it is worth. Life is interesting. My slump will end. I will figure it out. I always do.
Harga Menu Warunk Upnormal 2018
6 years ago
I'm so glad, despite all the 'hard stuff', that you know the truth and are such an amazing person and friend.
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