Friday, October 31, 2008

If you must comply

Today is a different sort of post. It is a DISCLAIMER post.

I feel that "people" read my blog and think they can be mad at me for something that was said on here. YOU CAN'T. Read what the title is of my blog and that should tell you enough.

These are MY CONFESSIONS! My true feelings. Many of them written out of frustration BUT...many of them being written out of being hurt so many times by YOU!

Maybe you ...Dear Reader...don't understand what a CONFESSION is...let me explain.
According to there are numerous definitions to what a confession is. See below....take your pick!

1 acknowledgment; avowal; admission: a confession of incompetence.
2.acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness, esp. to a priest to obtain absolution.
3. something that is confessed.

The true definition... is my definition...basically, it is how I feel. I am confessing to you how I feel. So if you are bugged by that Larry..Curly..or Mo....(I was about to use real names but thought I would spare YOUR further embarrassment) stop reading my blog.!!! If you want your feelings hurt just as mine have been hurt... then read on.

Remember... these are MY confessions ONLY based on how YOU have treated ME! You can't be mad at that.

What goes around..comes around! (Thank goodness for JT)

Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just Because I am "single" and you are "single"...


I am so sick of people thinking that because we both share a common thing that we are automatically connected at the hip and have to be "best friends forever".

I had an experience yesterday that has put me over the edge. I was sitting at church and this woman leaned over and asked me some ridiculous question and I answered and then very rudely leaned back and did not want to talk anymore. Well...somehow she was still talking and going on and on about all these activities she does and how she is single and blah blah blah.

Anyways..she got wind that I was single and freaked. She started to talk to me again...she was mentioning how she did dinner at her house with singles....blah blah...blah.....I DON'T CARE!!!!

I politely told her who I was...." I am kind of a big deal' seriously I tried to be nice and introduce myself and that was that. She really thought because I was "single" and she was as well that we had to sit by each other and be friends. Listen I am not friends with crazy.
She was crazy!!!!

I am soooo sick of it! Just because we share a "status" together does not mean I have to be nice to you...let alone sit by you. GEE!

I am bugged....annoyed!!! GRR!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Plan B wasn't supposed to DUMP ME!

Like everyone in the dating world we have our "back up plans".

Let's be honest we all have don't pretend you don't.

Anyways..I got DUMPED by my "back up plan. "

My "Back Up Plan" was this guy that I have known for 3 years. We have kind of always dated on and off during that time. Nothing serious but that is what it was. He was fun...we had a good time together but he wasn't aggressive. He was always shy or timid or something and it kind of bugged. I never wanted anything more because of those things YET...I kept him as a "back up plan". ...Mean...I know but he was a good friend none the less.

So...Monday we HAD plans and Friday we were SUPPOSED to have plans ...but...I get a text from him on Monday morning stating that he couldn't move forward with me. ( Keep in mind..he would always tell me he loved me and call me his wife....weird!!!) I questioned him on what that meant and he said..." I prayed about you last night and about us and got my answer and it was NO!".

I was shocked.....well... not really.....he was just my "back up plan" but still!!! He prayed about us? We weren't anything!

I confess.... it did sting a little..alright ...alot....only because now I am back to square one. Now my "back up plan" is gone. He was supposed to be there for the long haul in case I needed well!!!

Time to find a new Plan.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Loud and Intimidating...I think not!

Randomly... I hear reasons on why I am single. I confess... at times I ask for it ... and of course it is never what you want to hear.

A good friend of mine... that I have known for years ( 10 to be exact) ...told me that I had a "Character Flaw". When I asked what that meant he said he didn't know and had to go. Does he even know what a "Character Flaw" is??? It has been a while since he has said this but it has lingered in my mind for a while.

A guy I used to work with told me I had "b*tch face". WHATEVER. He explained that I had this face that looked mean. Cute face... but if you didn't know me he said I looked mean. He said if he saw me on the street, he would think ...cute girl but he would never approach me. Once he got to know me he took back what he said but I look that mean???

My favorite one recently was that it was mentioned that I was "loud and intimidating". Are you serious??? When I think of loud... I think of annoying and obnoxious. When I think of intimidating... I think of someone that is sure of themselves yet unapproachable. Neither of the two are good. Trust me.

Here lies the problem...I am very social, outgoing, chatty,friendly and confident. I speak my mind and don't crawl under a rock when a tough situation comes my way. I didn't know any of those things were bad.

Its funny...a guy can be all those things and it is fantastic. A girl is any of those things and it is bad...very bad!

For all those that think you are great at coming up with reasons why I am single.....GIVE IT UP!!! Not one person has given me a solid answer that has any validity. Try ..I dare you!

So what if I am any of these things. My "charming and delighfulness" will never go away. You're reading this aren't you... Caught ya!!! Haha. :-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Are you dating anyone?? ...Why????

I confess... that has got to be the most annoying question..EVER!!!

The response is always...NO....and...I don't know.

Me and dating are not BFF. I struggle with dating for some reason. (I know the reasons. I will confess about that..later on)

I have decided that with dating..'when it rains, it pours'. There are moments where there are a plethora of boys around and then nothing. It is so weird. They go through cycles. I hate it most when they go away and then randomly come out of the woodwork. It is always some annoying text..." Hey. How are you?" Why do they care after MONTHS/YEARS how I am. So annoying!!!!

People ask way too many questions. The married one always comes up as well. "Why are you not married?'...Answer..." I have to date first before I can get married." or "I don't know". DUMB!!!!

Maybe one day...I will get asked this question and it won't bug so bad. Hopefully at that point it will be answered proudly....with a "Yes..I am dating someone. " ( Yeah right...who am I kidding. My Prince Charming got lost in the forest...or plays for the other team)

"Bitter, Party of One...your table is ready"....its been that kind of day.