Friday, October 3, 2008

Loud and Intimidating...I think not!

Randomly... I hear reasons on why I am single. I confess... at times I ask for it ... and of course it is never what you want to hear.

A good friend of mine... that I have known for years ( 10 to be exact) ...told me that I had a "Character Flaw". When I asked what that meant he said he didn't know and had to go. Does he even know what a "Character Flaw" is??? It has been a while since he has said this but it has lingered in my mind for a while.

A guy I used to work with told me I had "b*tch face". WHATEVER. He explained that I had this face that looked mean. Cute face... but if you didn't know me he said I looked mean. He said if he saw me on the street, he would think ...cute girl but he would never approach me. Once he got to know me he took back what he said but I look that mean???

My favorite one recently was that it was mentioned that I was "loud and intimidating". Are you serious??? When I think of loud... I think of annoying and obnoxious. When I think of intimidating... I think of someone that is sure of themselves yet unapproachable. Neither of the two are good. Trust me.

Here lies the problem...I am very social, outgoing, chatty,friendly and confident. I speak my mind and don't crawl under a rock when a tough situation comes my way. I didn't know any of those things were bad.

Its funny...a guy can be all those things and it is fantastic. A girl is any of those things and it is bad...very bad!

For all those that think you are great at coming up with reasons why I am single.....GIVE IT UP!!! Not one person has given me a solid answer that has any validity. Try ..I dare you!

So what if I am any of these things. My "charming and delighfulness" will never go away. You're reading this aren't you... Caught ya!!! Haha. :-)


Mark said...

Who is this person you've know for exactly 10 years and says you have a "character flaw"?