Sunday, September 28, 2008

The "Cotton Candy" Girl always wins!!!

Two Types of Girls:

The "Caramel Apple" Girl and The "Cotton Candy" Girl.

Let me explain....its gonna be good so brace yourself. Better yet get a snack and enjoy a good read. ;-)

Lets start with The "Cotton Candy" Girl. The CC girl is all whipped up... perfectly painted...looks sweet....perfect clothes...great hair...lets just say perfect looking in every way. BUT...when you get to know her or bite into it...there is nothing just dissolves in your mouth. You are always left feeling a little unsatisfied.

Now onto The "Caramel Apple" girl. The CA girl is maybe not so perfectly painted....has some flaws...semi perfect hair...tan...a little round...lets just say the caramel apple girl tries but once you get to know her you realize that her looks have been very deceiving. Once you bite into her you are satisfied to the core. (Get

Don't get me wrong BOTH are great. Both have a lot to offer. The problem is The "Cotton Candy" girls always wins....strictly based on looks. The "Carmel Apple" girl never gets the respect she deserves.

So...for all you out there..don't forget about the "Caramel Apple" girl. They always have more to offer and are ALWAYS more fun.

Can you guess which girl I am???.... lol


Anonymous said...

You crack me up. I believe I am the caramel apple girl. and I agree the cc girl always wins.

randi :) said...

hey kami! it's randi,
cheryl's daughter.
i DEFINITELY think i am a caramel apple girl.
but luckily i found brogen! :)
hahah. i love your blogs..
keep 'em comin!


Mark said...

Hmmm, which one are you?

Just kidding.