I have recovered since my last post. All I needed was 24 hours and some Diet Dr Pepper and Halloween Candy. :-)
Being single does have it advantages at times. I get to say "good-bye" and move on. The power of "good bye" is great. I am turning over a new leaf. I understand that there are people that come into your life for a moment. They teach you a lesson of some sort and you are a better person for it. They make you realize things about yourself that you otherwise would never do.
I have learned that I am courageous and that I can do anything I set my mind too. I can stand up for myself and walk away when I need to. The "last boy" taught me that. He taught me that I didn't have to compromise anything YET he wanted to me to compromise everything. Good luck to him and his new wife and....GOOD-BYE!
Lessons learned are the best!
The pity party is over.... time to polish the nails, put on the lip-gloss and move on.
Life is good! :-)
Harga Menu Warunk Upnormal 2018
6 years ago
I love your entry. Good for you.
I'm glad for you. Lessons learned are great, your lucky you learned it, some of us aren't so lucky. Hope your new adventure is funner, makes you smile, laugh, and feel good about yourslef. Maybe you will be the one leaving the lesson for someone else this time:) Miss ya!
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