Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where have all the "Cowboys" gone???

I know that I am not Paula Cole and that I should not be using her song as a title but in this case..I must. I must confess I do not know where to meet people anymore...and when I mean people..I mean ( My Mother hates when I call them boys..she says "men")

I don't know where to go! I think I have tried it all.

I did the online thing and trust me I met ALOT of "men" but there was too much drama with all of that. The sad thing is... years later the same people are still online. They never change. I realize people have had success with that..but not me. So..been there done that ...and never want it again.

The next least what I am told as an option are....Bars and Clubs. That is not my scene. I don't want to meet someone there. Just bad! That is all I have to say about that.

Now I have heard people say go to a grocery store and hang out there. YEAH RIGHT! What do I do strike up a conversation over the eggs. "Wow...the chicken must've been busy...there are alot of eggs here" That is would not be a good opener and I would sound like a grew up on top of a mountain. Gee. So store...out. Side Note: The Harmon's on Bangeter does attract some very cute "boys" case you wanted to know.

There is always the option of my friends setting me up. Funny thing... in the years I have been on this earth my friends have never ONCE wanted to set me up with anyone they knew. That is pathetic. I am good enough for my friends but not good enough for their friends. FINE! Be that way! I don't care.

Now we are down to work and church. Work is never an option. The problem with work is I spend so much time there that it would be a perfect venue to meet people but how approachable do you look in a "work" sweatshirt and your hair pulled back and a hat. That is not cute. Never bringing sexy back in that! With church is it the same thing. People are there for one thing. No one talks to anyone unless you have kids so if you are single you are just ignored. The single guy(s) in my ward just play with their blackberry and never speak. Great place to meet people...NOT!!! (Yes...I said that....bringing 90's back) you can see...I am at a lost. I need some help. I need ideas. Where does a single girl meet a single boy??? Where are they??? What is the secret???